Adult Faith Ministries...Wade Deeper into Your Faith!

Adult Faith Formation
Our faith formation as Roman Catholics is an ongoing experience, reflecting on life, scripture, church teachings, in light of the Holy Spirit who guides in all truth and understanding. There is much to learn as a Roman Catholic and the Adult Sunday School aims to satisfy the questions that adults need to have answered.
Experienced and knowledgable teachers are assigned with specific topics identified to suit the queries of the participants. It is hoped that Roman Catholics who are grounded in their faith can become sources of inspiration for their families and friends as they gain confidence through their knowledge to become effective evangelizers of our faith.
If you truly desire to grow in your faith, then do make an effort to come and learn as we consider ourselves as disciples of Christ whose mission is to reveal His truth to the world.
Prayer, Praise & Worship Ministry
Making a joyful noise!
The Stella Maris Praise & Worship Group meets every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. We spend time in the presence of the Lord in prayer, praise and worship. Our fellowship is aimed at strengthening our bonds with God and each other. Topics are shared for our growth and spiritual advancement. Our monthly Charismatic Mass is celebrated every third (3rd) Thursday. We extend a special invitation to you, to come and join us as we seek to get closer to the Lord and make a joyful noise to Him.
The mission of the Praise and Worship Ministry is to encourage every member to desire the presence of God; to invite His presence into every session by way of praise; to connect with Him through worship, and scripture; and to learn how to give of ourselves through prayer and sharing. Read more...