"As a deer longs for running streams, so my soul longs for you, O God".
[Ps. 42:1]
Whether you’re a ‘cradle Catholic’ or someone who entered the Catholic church as an adult, there’s always a place in the heart that yearns for a deeper relationship with God. The problem is that sometimes we are not aware that this is the true thirst of our soul. We therefore seek to fill that empty space with just about everything but God. If you have been attending Mass regularly, or only periodically, and find you are experiencing challenges in your spiritual growth, perhaps it is time to consider adding to your spiritual development.
This can be accomplished through:
Personal Daily Devotions
The Daily Scripture Readings in the Liturgical Calendar is one avenue which guides our approach to the Bible by the assigned references.
Praying the Rosary
Personal prayer through contemplation, reflection and Adoration
Participating in Communal Devotions organised by the Church such as:
Holy Hour (Praying Scripture, Adoration and Benediction)
Praying the Rosary
Praying the Breviary
Getting more involved in the life of the church by joining a Ministry and participating in the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy
Click the "Stewardship Button" for details on our Ministries
Participating in special seminars and programs organized by the Church such as:
A Pilgrims’ Way
Life in the Spirit
Men’s and Women’s Cursillo
Courses offered by St. Michael’s Seminary
Know your Faith, Love your Faith, Live your Faith