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Today's Byte

Fr. Howard Thompson

"Keep salt in yourselves, and you will have peace with one another" (Mk 9:50). Jesus uses the familiar image of salt to help believers appreciate the spiritual life. Salt has two important functions: it preserves and it binds. As a people of faith, we are called by Jesus to 'preserve' His word in our lives. The Bible and teachings of the Church are meant to lead us in life and joy. The second purpose is linked to the first. By allowing the Word to preserve our lives, the 'salt' of our faith now 'binds' us to Jesus and each other. As we grow in our relationship with Jesus, we are invited to be Jesus for others, based on what He is for us. We are to love others as we are loved by Him. We are to be merciful as He is to us. We are to live by grace to help bring out the best in others.

Lord Jesus, may my life be a witness to the preservation of Your word, so that it may bind me closer to You and Your people, for the glory of Your name. Amen.


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