Generosity and compassion are the two 'faces' on the coin of love. Love is not meant to be hoarded, but to be shared with others. It is practical and life-giving. In the context of relationships, Jesus invites us to generously give the gift of forgiveness, and we will receive this same gift in return, to the point of overflowing in our laps (Lk. 6:38). We can join our voices and acknowledge our sins and failures before God (Dn. 9:4-10). Imitating the Psalmist, we can cry out to the Lord for pardon (Ps. 79:8,9,11 &13). Since love does not seek its own interests but also seeks the benefit of others (1 Cor. 13:5), then we are expected to not only follow the command of Jesus to stop judging (Lk. 6:37), but to be as compassionate and merciful as God is with us. Lord, teach me how to show practical love by being as merciful with others as You are with me. Amen.