"Jesus loved His own in the world, and He loved them to the end" (Jn. 13:1). Based on God's love for us, today we begin the three most holy consecutive days in the Christian calendar. Observing the Triduum of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday, highlights the passionate love of Christ who willingly died so that we may live. The reward for His fidelity to His Father's will, was the gift and power of His glorious resurrection. The call to follow Jesus is grounded in the gratitude we should have for our Saviour. We cannot save ourselves. Therefore, in response to the mercy that is poured into our lives from the cross of Christ, ours is the task to show concrete love for our God by allowing His word and will to shape our lives. If or when we fall, know that the love of Christ conquers all things (Rom. 8:37), and His Spirit of life will lift us and carry us home. May the Triduum lead us to true joy. Lord Jesus, as we celebrate the mystery of Your passion, death and resurrection, may our faithful observance of these days and events lead us to Easter joy, as we glorify Your holy name. Amen.