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Easter Bytes

Fr. Howard Thompson

Are you aware of any "scales" over your eyes? Saul was so truly zealous for his Jewish beliefs, that he was blinded by what he thought was the right action to persecute Christians (Acts 9:1-2). It took prayer and the Holy Spirit to make the "scales" fall away, so that he could "see" and follow the Lord's guidance (Acts 9:18). We who follow the Lord are invited to ask the Holy Spirit to help us discern our thoughts, words and actions in the light of His love. It is so easy to journey with "scales" on our eyes and not know it. We can become blinded by our mindset, gossip, friends, lies and the devil. Today, choose to let the light of Christ lead us into life. Loving Saviour, may the power of Your Holy Spirit remove any "scales" from our eyes so that we may walk in the light of Your love, and allow our lives to conform to Your purpose. Amen.


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