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Easter Bytes

Fr. Howard Thompson

Do we recognise the darkness, that we sometimes allow to cloud our minds, which often blocks the Word of the Lord? The Word is the light and life of the Lord. But the choice is ours to accept or reject it. Today we learn how the Jews allowed their jealousy to lead to violent abuse. They colluded to resist the Word, frustrate the disciples and eventually throw them out of the city (Acts 13: 44-52). If the Word of the Lord is to find a home in our lives, we must actively identify and uproot any barrier that either we erect, or allow others to place in our lives. The realities of jealousy, doubt, anger, selfishness, rash judgement, lies, insecurity and hate, all contribute to a lack of spiritual growth and threaten our inheriting eternal life. May we allow the Word and Spirit to guide us daily. Lord, may Your Word continue to be a lamp for our feet and a light for our daily path. Amen.


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