The Season of Easter is coming to a close, but our mission to proclaim the resurrection of Jesus is for a lifetime. This fire of evangelisation is to be stoked by a dedicated prayer life and our reliance on the Holy Spirit. We should not be surprised when we have moments of doubt or rejection by others. This is part of the spiritual journey, the cross that leads to our own resurrection. Even though some scoffed at Paul's preaching of Jesus, there were others who were eager to listen (Acts 17:32). The truth will not always be accepted by everyone. Paul was often stoned, beaten and alienated by his opponents. But the Spirit gave him the grace to remain faithful to his task. In our moments of acceptance or rejection, let us pray for the grace to also be true to our mission. Lord Jesus, may Your Spirit continue to strengthen me, so that my love for you and Your people will be the basis of living and sharing the joy of the resurrection and the truths of the gospel. Amen.