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Today's Byte

Fr. Howard Thompson

Our journey in the spiritual life is filled with ironies. When we give, we receive even more. When we love our enemies, we neutralise the power of hate. When we practice peace, we resist being lured into the ocean of anger. When we learn to die, it is then that we live. If the "life of Christ is to be manifested in our bodies" (2 Cor. 4:10), then we must learn to die to self. Paul reminds us to "get rid of all rage and anger, bitterness, harsh words, slander, and every form of malice" (Eph. 4:31). Dying to self allows Christ to live in us. Lord Jesus, You are the resurrection and the life. Teach us how to die to self, daily carry our cross, so that You may live in us. Amen.

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