Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We are invited to ponder and reflect on the limitless love of our God. We read that "God is love" (1 Jn. 4:8). Being made in God's image and likeness, we are made to receive and give love. This truth has three implications: 1. Authentic love for God pulls us out of our selfish and egotistical ways, making us a better people imitating the Divine. 2. Genuine love for others is not based on their acceptance, love and kindness to us. We love friend and foe so that we please God. 3. Real love for ourselves gives us confidence, hope and value. This makes us immune to the lack of love manifested by others. Father, You reveal Your love for us, weak and sinful people, by sending Your Son to die so that we may live. Help us to die to self so that we may embrace and share your unconditional love for all the people You send into our lives. Amen.