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Today's Byte

Fr. Howard Thompson

If you love someone, pray for that person. If you have a difficulty with someone, pray for that person. Family, friend or foe, pray for that person. Prayer is a gift from our God which is meant to not only draw us into His presence, but also enables us to fulfil our call and command to love one another.

The Syrophoenician mother's pleading for the healing of her child by Jesus (Mk. 7:24-30) can be considered as intercessory prayer. Her insistence, spurred by love for her daughter, eventually led to her child's recovery. This same persistence in prayer should be true for everyone in our lives. Prayer and love results in healing for all.

Lord Jesus, may Your grace help me to courageously take everyone in my life to you in prayer, so that my love may become genuine and Your power may become evident. Amen.

Blessings, Fr. Howie



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