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Lenten Bytes

Fr. Howard Thompson

All the good we do starts with God and ends with God. It is by His grace and Spirit that we are led to recognise the good and have the courage to do it. But perfect love never forces the other. True love reveals itself and invites the other to respond. The element of positive choice that yields to existing grace results in the ‘good’. This truth is affirmed in today’s gospel. When Peter confessed that Jesus is the “Son of the living God”, Jesus replied that this revelation is by “my Heavenly Father” (Mt 16:16-17). God gave the insight. Peter could have chosen to ignore or disbelieve, but his positive choice led him to state this ‘good’. Today, pray for the will to yield to God’s grace. Loving Father, pour Your grace upon me, so that through the mercy and strength of Your Son and Spirit, I may seek, choose and live the good for Your eternal glory. Amen.


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