Every loving parent desires what is best for their child. The mother of Zebedee’s sons was not different, as highlighted in her request to have them sit on either side of Jesus in His kingdom (Mt. 20:21). Although we can understand her motive to seek places of honour for her sons, the spiritual life is not about seeking glory for ourselves but rather submission to our God. Abraham submitted to God when he was told to leave his country, and then to sacrifice Isaac (Gn. 22:2). Mary surrendered to God’s invitation for her to be the mother of Jesus, even though a sword will pierce her heart (Lk. 2:35). Jesus accepted the will of His Father and went to the cross (Lk. 22:42). Afterwards, Abraham regained Isaac and Mary received the Holy Spirit, a direct result of Jesus being raised from the dead. All were blessed and received rewards for their acquiescence. Are we ready and willing to surrender to our God? Loving Father, help us to surrender to Your will in our lives, so that Your glory and our good will be attained. Amen.
Fr. Howie