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Lenten Bytes

Fr. Howard Thompson

In today’s gospel (Year A because the Elect begin their Scrutiny to prepare for the Sacraments of Initiation), Jesus tells the woman to give him a drink (Jn. 4:7). Like the woman, we too can respond, “How is it you are asking me for a drink? (Jn. 4:9). She questioned Him because race and culture were barriers to contact. We who are the family of God, would wonder why Jesus, as Lord and God who can get anything He wants, would make a request. Why ask us? Jesus asks us to satisfy His thirst by choice and not by force. When he cried out on the cross, “I thirst” (Jn. 19:28), it was not only a human need to be quenched, but also a spiritual groan for our hearts and lives to be freely given to Him. We can choose to ignore His cry, or respond like the soldier and give him the ‘vinegar’ of lives not fully committed to His ways, or surrender the sweet water of our love that is fully dedicated to His honour and glory. What is our choice? Lord Jesus, help me to satisfy the thirst of Your love for me, by freely choosing to give You all that I am and ever will be. Amen.


Fr. Howie


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