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Lenten Bytes

Fr. Howard Thompson

If we are to be judged on how well we love, what would be the verdict? Loving hearts will seek to do all we can to please God, and enhance the lives of others. A loving heart will not deliberately set out to hurt our God or another person. However, because we struggle against being selfish, learning to completely love God and our neighbour as ourselves (Mk. 12:28-34) is a lifelong journey. Our faith journey invites us to be open to the valid lessons of life. If our words and actions cause hurt, love prompts us to say ‘sorry’, practice mutual forgiveness and strive to be reconciled. True love seeks life. Where there is love, laws are seen as guides and not as heavy demands. We do not worship God in Church and walk in His ways because of an obligation. All we do should be based on love. Lord Jesus, may I give You my heart so that my mind, body and spirit may celebrate Your love and walk in Your ways of life. Amen.


Fr. Howie



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