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Today's Byte

Fr. Howard Thompson

As we celebrate the Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary today, we are invited to examine the state of our own heart. Mary pondered everything in her heart (Lk. 2:19). She made room for the voice of God and allowed His word to shape her life. Habitual openness and listening to God leads to a greater ease of allowing God’s will to supersede our will.

That is why when the Word made flesh - Jesus her son - told her he had to look about His father’s business (Lk. 2:49), she who had learnt to yield to God, was open to what it meant for the present and future. Her heart trusted in the Lord. We are called to imitate Mary by making room in our hearts for God’s word and Spirit. In His will is our peace (The Divine Comedy-Dante).

Lord Jesus, as you lived in the womb of Your mother Mary, teach us how to open our heart to Your word and Spirit, so that like Mary, we too may be a worthy dwelling for Your eternal presence.

Blessings, Fr. Howie


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