One secret to being productive and efficient, is paying attention to details, no matter how small. The student may have all the answers for an exam, but failure to observe the instructions may lead to failure. The worker may be skilled and capable, but overlooking the details may result in a missed deadline, a defective product or an unfavourable service. Details can make or break a person or project. When Jesus referred to the mustard seed or the yeast (Lk. 13:18-21), He is pointing to the reality of ‘paying attention to the small stuff’, the details that are important, which will impact the wider picture of our lives. The small ‘detail’ of the ‘seed’ and ‘yeast’ of His word will sprout good fruit. But the non-observance of the ‘details’ of faith and trust in the Lord will lead to anxious thoughts and grow into negative actions. Be attentive to the details of our lives, so that we may please our God. Lord Jesus, may Your grace help me to pay attention to the seed of faith, the yeast of hope and the drop of love, so that as they take root and grow, my life may bear fruit in abundance for Your kingdom. Amen.
Fr. Howie