Today we celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints. Believers are not born Saints, but they achieve Sainthood through a process. They learn over time how to embrace the grace God gives, respond to the word of God as He desires, and habitually yield to the presence and promptings of the Holy Spirit as a way of life. These spiritual actions require patience and endurance, because achieving them is not an overnight claim, but a gradual step-by-step advancement.
Jesus paints a portrait for Saints to ponder. He who calls us to be holy, tells us that we are blessed or happy, when we live according to the beatitudes (Mt. 5:1-12). They provide meaning and give new insights to the experiences in our lives. Some of them empower us, while the rest challenge or stretch us. They are all aimed to make our spiritual lives stronger and better.
Since we do not grow at the same pace or time, we need to be patient with ourselves when we miss the mark, be compassionate with others when they fail, but even more, truly pray that we all strive to be Saints who please the Lord.
Lord Jesus, by our intentions and actions, help us to strive to be Your Saints. May we embrace Your grace and mercy in our lives, so that we will not only forgive ourselves and others, but by our commitment to You and all, seek to joyfully enter Your eternal kingdom. Amen.
Fr. Howie