When the Lord heals us from our physical and spiritual maladies, what is our response? There are three actions that are expected from the Lord as seen in today’s gospel: 1. We should give thanks and praise to the Lord for His healing power (Lk. 17:18). Ingratitude seems to be too common today. People allow their pride, indifference or a false sense of entitlement to colour their minds, which result in neither giving thanks to God or others for kindness and courtesies extended. The Psalmist tells us to “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good and His love endures” (Ps. 107:1). 2. Our thanksgiving should be marked with sincere worship. Jesus tells the healed to show themselves to the Priests (Lk. 17:14). They were being re-integrated into the community because the barrier that kept them away was now broken. Whether our barrier is physical and prevents us from going to Church, or spiritual because of our guilt and sin, when Jesus heals, we are expected to worship Him with joy. 3. When the love of the Lord is manifested in our being healed, we are commanded to “Rise and go,” (Lk. 17:19). We are healed and sent for the divine purpose of telling others how God has worked wonders in our lives. Our healing means we are no longer physically, spiritually or psychologically paralyzed. Ours is now the task of celebrating the life we are given, and telling others of the healing power of Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus, have mercy on us, and heal us for Your glory. May our lives give evidence of the power of Your love and grace. Amen.
Fr. Howie