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Today's Byte

Fr. Howard Thompson

The story of Zacchaeus is one that gives hope and inspiration to all. It reveals the heart of the Lord and the direction our lives should take. We see three spiritual truths highlighted on which we can reflect:

1. God’s grace fills us to do good. Those who live saintly lives are real testimonies of His power. But for the rest of us who struggle with sin, don’t despair. We see that Jesus makes Himself a deliberate “guest of a sinner” (Lk. 19:7). The saintly may distance themselves from those who sin, but our Saviour will never abandon the sinner. He came to “seek and save the lost” (Lk. 19:10). Rejoice in His merciful love.

2. The sinner who allows the Lord into the ‘home’ of his heart and life, will not only see the error of one’s ways, but will also feel compelled to make a change. Zacchaeus owned the reality of his past, and was even more determined to be a better person. He was willing to go the extra mile as a sign of his conversion (Lk. 19:8). When we as sinners feel the redeeming touch of our Lord, we will change for the better.

3. Since Jesus came to bring us salvation (Lk. 19:9), are we open to the power of His love in our lives? Sinners know the guilt and remorse felt when we fall. Yet the Zacchaeus encounter shows the beautiful experience that our Lord wants to forgive, heal and save us. This is not by our own power or goodness, but by His eternal love for us. If we allow Him to touch us, will we show this Jesus to saints and sinners?

Lord Jesus, come and live as a permanent guest in my heart. Help me to walk in your ways, forgive me of my sins, and like Zacchaeus, grant me the grace to strive to be a better disciple. Amen.


Fr. Howie


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