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Advent Bytes

Fr. Howard Thompson

Every birth brings new hope and the possibility of a brighter future. Every life conceived and delivered into the world carries the image and thumbprint of God, totally unique and wonderfully pliable. It is the gift of every person to either bend to God, or move away from Him. As we look forward to the Lord’s return and prepare to celebrate His birth, we also give thanks for the spotless womb that carried Him. Mary was favoured by God (Lk. 1:28) to be the mother of Jesus. Her birth and “yes” ( Lk. 1:38) yielded the reality of our heavenly future. Lord Jesus, as we look forward to Your coming, may Your grace help us to imitate the love and fidelity of Mary, so that like her, we too may bring You into the world. Amen.


Fr. Howie


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