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Advent Bytes

Fr. Howard Thompson

When God acts in an epoch of time, it’s effects last for eternity. Each new birth at a specific moment in time has the potential to inherit eternal life. Every seed of grace and blessing imparted by God in a singular experience, carries the reality of bearing fruit from one generation to the next. We glimpse the above truth from today’s gospel. The angel tells Mary that the Child to be born will inherit the throne of David, and that His kingdom will never end (Lk. 1:32-33). God’s promise to David in the past, now continues in the present with Jesus, and will last into the future. When God says, “I love you” now, it is meant to be forever. Loving Father, as we rejoice at the coming of Your Son, may our practice of praising You now, prepare us to sing and bless You forever in Your eternal home.


Fr. Howie


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