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Lenten Bytes

Fr. Howard Thompson

When we pray, do we come to our Father as children who know we are loved? Jesus tells us to, “Ask, and it will be given to you” (Mt. 7:7). He assures us that our Father will give good things to those who ask (Mt. 7:11). Since no daddy on earth will give a child stone when asked for bread (Mt. 7:9), then how much more will our heavenly Father care and supply for all our needs when we humbly entreat Him in prayer? God our Father will never withhold any good that leads to our growth and His glory. He who knows our needs even before we ask, wants us to rejoice and thank Him when we ask and see our prayers answered. Our prayer should deepen our trust in God. During Lent, pray for the forgiveness of our sins and believe we are forgiven. Pray for His mercy for others and believe it is granted. Pray as children who please Him. Father, thank You for answering our prayers according to Your will. May we place our trust in You at all times. Help us to embrace Your love and mercy in our lives, and courageously share it with others.


Fr. Howie


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