We all need help to live the spiritual life. It is impossible to observe all that the Lord asks of us without surrendering to the Holy Spirit. Our God gives us everything we need, so that we may embrace His will and purpose. We see this truth in today’s gospel (Lk. 1:26-38):
* God our Father gave life to Mary, so that she will give life to Jesus
* To ensure Mary understands, God sends an angel to speak with her
* Mary listened to Gabriel, but questioned the call to motherhood
* Her question was answered by the Holy Spirit who envelopes her
* It is with and through the Holy Spirit that Mary fulfils her role
By the working of the Holy Spirit, Mary conforms to the word of the Lord and brings the ‘Word made flesh’ into the world. When we, like Mary, yield to the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives, it is then that we will understand that ‘nothing is impossible for God’.
Loving Father, pour Your Holy Spirit upon us, so that like Mary, we will reveal Your Son Jesus, our Saviour, to the world. Amen.
Fr. Howie