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Lenten Bytes

Fr. Howard Thompson

Do we make room in our lives to be touched and surprised by God? We celebrate Mass and get familiar with its structure, so it almost becomes routine. We open a book in the Bible that we have heard or read so many times before, that we sometimes know what the next line or outcome will be. Couples who have been married a long time, often complete the other’s sentence, or even forecast how the other will react to an event.

In today’s gospel (Jn. 5:1-16), we see how being set in the ways of the familiar can rob us of the joy of being surprised by God. The man who had been ill for thirty eight years had resigned himself from being cured, because there was no one to put him in the water for healing. Jesus appears to him and speaks the word of healing that he needs. Without the ‘usual’ action of going into the water, the man is cured.

Be open to being surprised by God today.

Lord Jesus, Your healing love surpasses our weak frailties, Your mercy knows no end, and Your power exceeds our limitations. May we allow You to touch and surprise us with grace in our daily lives. Amen.


Fr. Howie


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