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Lenten Bytes

Fr. Howard Thompson

Every New Year, we make resolutions - some are kept, some are broken. Every Lenten Season, we make resolutions to move away from sin - some are kept, some are broken. Each new day, we begin with an intention to please our God - sometimes we rise to the goal, and other times we fail. The ultimate criteria regarding salvation is answering the question, “Do we believe in Jesus our Saviour?” Jesus plainly states that if we do not believe in Him, we will die in our sins (Jn. 8:24). This belief leads to paradise from the cross (Lk. 23:43). Our belief must be affirmed in every moment of our lives. Lord Jesus, we believe that You are the great I AM, the One who saves us from our sins. May our lives serve to exalt Your name. Amen


Fr. Howie


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