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Lenten Bytes

Fr. Howard Thompson

If we believe that God’s word is life, then breaking that word - sin - leads to death. Jesus the Word tells us that when we remain in His word, we are set free (Jn. 8:31-32). But when we reject the word and choose to sin, it has a multiplier effect in our lives.

Since sin makes us slaves (Jn. 8:34), then we not only put ourselves in ‘chains’ of death, but we also seek to put others down. The crowd who rejected Jesus’ word wanted to kill Him (Jn.8:37). We who sin will also try to kill others. Repent and believe in His mercy.

Lord Jesus, You came to set us free from sin. May we embrace Your mercy, and courageously share Your love with all. Amen.


Fr. Howie


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