We are on the verge of Holy Week. Now is the time to fortify ourselves for the journey ahead. As Jesus withdraws from the public domain to spend time quietly with His Disciples (Jn. 11:54), consciously choose to place ourselves with Him in the private space of our heart. Ponder what we feel, and place them before Him: * Lord, I hear you call my name, but I am not worthy. * Lord, I want to walk this journey with You, but I am afraid. * Lord, I want to carry my cross with You, but I am weak. * Lord, I acclaim You as King, but my actions crown you with thorns. * Lord, I don’t want You to die, but my sins are many. Lord Jesus, as I ponder the mystery of Your passion, death and above all, Your resurrection, may my gratitude for Your gift of salvation be evidenced by my resolve to live a life pleasing to You. Amen.
Fr. Howie