Death is a reality in the journey of life. Today we mourn with the rest of the world as we learn of our first death from the Coronavirus in our country. We pray for the dead, and for comfort to those who have lost loved ones. For believers, death is not the end of life but rather being changed to a different sphere with the Lord. Since everyone will die, then we are urged to prepare for our own demise. The Lord told David through Nathan to prepare for his own death (2 Sm. 7:12). For those who listen, can we view this pandemic as a wake-up call? Do we hear, through the noise of the news, the Lord’s voice calling for our attention? Jesus our resurrection and life (Jn. 11:25), empowers us not to fear death. We must allow His love to shine through the darkness that has enveloped our world, and His light to give us a new perspective. For instance, the current restrictions have resulted in a decline in air pollution and CO2 levels. The atmosphere and water have become cleaner. Can we adjust our focus to view the current practice of limiting movement and meetings as being used by God to make us better? Now more time can be given to prayer, family time can be gained, temptations and sin can be avoided, and time is given to prepare for our eventual death. Lord Jesus, You have promised eternal life to those who believe in You and follow Your word. May we use this time to draw close to You, get our lives in spiritual order, and prepare for our own death so that we can enter Your gift of paradise. Amen.