One of the most humbling things to do is to let go of one’s will and give control to someone else. We see examples of these in our everyday lives. An office supervisor gives guidance to an employee on how to perform a task more efficiently, but the latter prefers and sticks to what was being done. A coach instructs an athlete on how to improve, but the athlete does his own programme. A pastor teaches congregants what is expected in Church, but they wilfully refuse to conform. When Dad is a passenger in my car, he constantly yells, “stop” or “slow down”. My ‘need for speed’ may prompt his screams (lol). Discernment is required to determine when we are to yield to the voice and will of another person. This is especially true if it leads to life and joy for all. It is not easy, but the ‘fruits’ or results offer an evaluation.
In today’s gospel (Lk. 1:26-38), we see Gabriel visiting Mary and tells her that the Lord has a plan for her life. But in order for this plan to take effect, Mary must choose to give up the plans she had for her life, and yield to the will and word of God. It will be challenging, but the Holy Spirit who envelopes her, will give her strength in the coming days. As we yield to the current Covid-19 guidelines for everyone’s benefit, may we, like Mary, ask the Spirit to help us to surrender our will and let the Lord have full control. Come Holy Spirit, and fill our hearts with the power of Your love. Teach us how to yield to Your promptings, so that we may be lead into real joy here, and life in the hereafter. Amen.