It is normal to read or hear a passage from scripture and sometimes yield to the mentality of saying, “I heard this story already” or “I know how this goes.” When we approach the Bible in this manner, we run the risk of missing some key or new details, and disconnect from the nuances of each perspective. We even impose our knowledge on the actual reading. Prior to the Covid-19 guidelines, we began a study on John’s gospel, which will be our focus in the coming weeks. In looking at the wedding feast in Cana (Jn. 2) and Jesus’ crucifixion (Jn. 19), everyone was hearing for the first time that John never mentions the name of Mary. She is called “Woman”, “His mother” or “Mother of Jesus.” If we are humble and attentive, there are opportunities to learn something new. The crowd hears a new teaching when Jesus declares that He is from the Father who knows and sent Him (Jn. 7:29). They learn because they paid attention in the moment. Today, are we open to learning something good and new about self, each other and Jesus in this crisis? Lord Jesus, we give thanks that Your mercies are new every morning. Touch our hearts so that we can discover new beauties in each other and in You at all times. Amen.