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Holy Week Bytes

Fr. Howard Thompson

When God gives, He holds nothing back. His generous providence is seen in the beauty of our lives and all creation. Whether it is a captivating sunrise or a smile, a melodious song from a bird or cantor, an enchanting burst of colour from a flower or a loving soul, the Spirit of God that brings everything into existence shows giving without restraint. Do we measure, or hesitate, when it comes to our own generosity with our Lord? Mary poured expensive oil on the feet of Jesus and dried them with her hair, but was chastised for her selfless act (Jn. 12: 3-8). Ponder today, am I like Mary who gave herself in that moment without hesitation, to the One who gave His entire self for our salvation? Lord Jesus, as I thank You for giving Yourself fully on the cross for the salvation of the world, teach me how to give and not count the cost. Amen.


Beloved, do give yourself more generously to prayer during Holy Week. Make time for family and personal prayer. Our Adoration Chapel is open from 6:30am to 7:30pm. The Church is also open for quiet devotion for the Stations of the Cross, or silent meditation by the tabernacle. Let us journey with the Lord and anoint His feet with our prayers. Blessings.

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