The Covid-19 pandemic does not discriminate in its infectious nature. I just lost a cousin in England due to the Coronavirus infection. My parishioners have either had their families and friends infected, or heard the sad news that they died. Given our connection through social media, we share each other’s grief and pray through the pain. It is not easy, but the grace of God will always provide sufficient strength. How do we cope? Our safest ‘connection’ is maintaining a close and loving relationship with our Lord. As Jesus did at the Last Supper, so now He calls us to sit with Him and dine on His presence and words. If we allow our emotions, doubts, fears, pain or agenda to overcome us, we run the risk of being like Judas who departs and sinks into despair (Jn. 13:30). But if we stay with the Lord, He will feed us with hope and life. Lord Jesus, You are the living Bread that has come down from heaven. Feed us with Your love and mercy, and never let us depart from Your saving presence. Amen.
Beloved, do give yourself more generously to prayer during Holy Week. Make time for family and personal prayer. Our Adoration Chapel is open from 6:30am to 7:30pm. The Church is also open for quiet devotion for the Stations of the Cross, or silent meditation by the tabernacle. Let us journey with the Lord and anoint His feet with our prayers. Blessings.