Today, half way through our Octave, we break from Matthew and John and read Luke’s account of resurrection day (Lk. 24:13-35). In Mathew’s gospel (Year A), we read how Jesus’ life was a fulfilment of the Old Testament prophecies. Now Luke shows how Jesus painstakingly goes over the Scriptures that point to Him, so that the Disciples who were ‘lost in sadness’ and ‘blind in faith’ could see and understand. Repetition is the ‘mother’ of all learning. It is one thing to hear the gospel, but quite another to listen and understand. There are so many layers of meaning and beautiful truths to be unravelled from reading and reflecting on the same Scripture passage or story. Today, as the Disciples heard anew the good news that gave joy to their minds and hearts, spend time with our Risen Lord so that His words will give us courage and hope. Lord Jesus, You are Word made flesh, the Lamb who was crucified, the Alleluia of the fact of the resurrection. Speak to us, help us to listen and become sources of Your good news for others. Amen.