On this seventh day in the Easter Octave, the resurrection narrative is taken from Mark’s gospel (Mk. 16:9-15). Now all four gospels are presented as they record the fact of the Lord’s rising from the dead. Mark, the first gospel to be written, gives us details which we heard this past week from the other gospels which were written after his. Mark reports the following: Jesus rose early on the first day of the week; He appeared first to Mary Magdalene; the Disciples did not believe her story; Jesus appeared to two other Disciples walking to the country (Emmaus); these two were not believed when they told their story to the others; Jesus then appeared to all Disciples. The four gospels have different slants in reporting on the Lord’s resurrection. But they have one major implication for believers - evangelization. We are to tell others that Jesus is alive. This ‘burden’ carries its owns blessing. We, like the Disciples, will gain strength and joy as this good news lifts others and ourselves in every context of life.
While at home with your family, parents can share the different accounts of the resurrection of Jesus from the four gospels, and ask the children what are the connecting and different points of view. Family and friends can share with each other - through the telephone and social media - how having faith in the risen Lord gives courage and strength to face these present times. You can also share the daily bytes and even your own reflections on how the bytes and gospel speak to you. Lord Jesus, as I celebrate Your risen presence in my life, may Your Spirit empower me to share this good news with others, so that we will all be lifted up in glory with You. Amen.