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Easter Bytes

Fr. Howard Thompson

We all have dreams. Parents envision happy lives for their children. Young people ponder their calling and hopes for the future. The young couple commits to a goal. We ourselves look forward to a return to normalcy and an end to this pandemic. Our senior citizens look forward to the next family visit or celebrating an anniversary. Visions energise and provide the stimulus to focus our energy and give purpose to our lives. If we have no vision, then we wander aimlessly and are robbed of enthusiasm in our lives. The resurrection of Jesus provides not only new hope, but imparts the ultimate truth that there is something better, a richer reward that is to come for those who believe in Him. We are given the vision that ‘Jesus goes to heaven and sits at God’s right hand’ (Mk. 16:19). This vision gives meaning to our role as disciples who are sent to share the good news. Lord Jesus, You promise paradise to us and give us the vision of heaven where you are with our Father and the heavenly hosts. May this beautiful vision empower us to be joyful and strengthen our commitment to actively undertake loving works of mercy. Amen.



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