What is preventing your growth in the Lord? In order to please God, we must take the time to know what He wants. God’s will for our lives is known through listening to Him and then acting on His word (Acts 8:26; Jn. 6: 45). Using the image of a tree, we can reflect on three realities that can spur our growth in the spiritual life: 1. The roots of a tree must be properly watered. Do we deliberately spend time watering the roots of our spiritual lives by daily ingesting His word and finding joy in prayer? If we do not give the right ‘nourishment’, we may find some roots rotting and our growth stunted. 2. The leaves of the tree serve the dual purpose of being beneficial to feeding the tree and enhancing the environment. The interplay of our lives in drawing from others and sharing with others, calls for ongoing discernment. We must lovingly evaluate the people who are adding to our spiritual advancement and learn from them, while acknowledging those who are in need of growth and may require our input, if they desire it. 3. The tree is known by its fruit (Lk. 6:44). Ideally, fruits gladden the heart when they are sweet and prolongs life when eaten. We do not bear fruits for the benefit of ourselves. The fruits of our words and actions are meant to offer revelations of Christ who lives in us. Our fruits of love, joy, peace, patience and mercy all reveal authentic growth in the Lord. Today, let us genuinely ask for the grace of spiritual growth so that we please our God. Lord Jesus, pour Your grace and healing mercy on us, so that through Your Spirit, the fruits of our lives may testify to our growth and Your glory. Amen.