Today we continue the theme of ‘Jesus the good Shepherd’ (Jn. 10:11). Yesterday, we were reminded that our good Shepherd not only speaks good words with us, but He also desires us to grow by leading us into places where we can develop and become stronger as His sheep. We all have to trust our Shepherd who will guide us in the right path. Since the Shepherd knows His sheep, and knows we are weak and sinful, He freely lays down His life (Jn. 10:18) for our salvation. How can we show true gratitude for this selfless act of love? We can show that we belong to Him by freely choosing to lay down our fears and doubts, our ego and selfishness, our pride and lack of kindness. Lead us Lord. Loving Shepherd, you guide us into green pastures for our well-being. Teach us how to hear and respond to Your voice, and choose to walk faithfully in Your ways. Amen.