If we truly recognise that God is our Source, then the response we should have is to always give Him thanks with grateful hearts. “All that we have, all that we offer, comes from a heart both frightened and free” (Gary Ault). Since the messenger is not greater than the one who sent him (Jn. 13:16), then any work, accomplishment, accolade, reward or trophy achieved must be credited to the One who chose, empowered and sent him. Every Disciple is to be on guard against the sin of pride that is matched with one’s ego. To ‘forget’ that any good I say or do is a result of the presence of the Spirit in my life, slowly makes me an idol who “did it my way” (Paul Anka). The false sense of security that stems from pride leads to vanity, which then leads to betraying our Lord (Jn. 13:18). Sincere thanksgiving cultivates humility which advances God’s glory and kingdom. Loving Father, pour Your Spirit upon us, so that our work may honour You, our service give You glory, and our thanksgiving keep us humble and enhance Your glory. Amen.