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Easter Bytes

Fr. Howard Thompson

There is a great joy in one’s entire being when someone you love, and with whom you share a genuine and deep connection, returns after a period of absence. This experience is part of life’s journey. Every child eagerly anticipates the parent to return from work after being gone all day. The parent counts down the minutes for the child to return from school. The lover anxiously awaits the beloved’s physical presence. The comfort that comes from being re-united with the other person after a short period of absence, gladdens the heart and gives peace to the mind. Jesus understands these human experiences. He gives the assurance that He will leave but will return (Jn. 14:28). The good Shepherd will not leave His sheep. May we continue our life’s journey in the power of the Spirit, filled with the hope that no matter what, our Lord will come back to us. Lord Jesus, through Your Spirit, You are always present in our lives. Fill us with the courage and hope that come from Your promise to return and take us to Your house. Amen.


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