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Easter Bytes

Fr. Howard Thompson

Jesus is the source of our life and all that is good. Therefore, whatever we ask of the Father in the name of Jesus (Jn. 16:23) should be for the life and good of self and others. This is the prayer that will be heard and granted. But why is our prayer to stop the Coronavirus pandemic not being granted? Certainly the curve is reduced or flattened in many places, but the suffering and infection still exists, and some areas are now seeing an increase in the number of infections and death. So why is God not answering our prayer? Our reflection a few weeks ago reminded us that we can never know the mind of God since His ways are not our ways (Is. 55:8). We are called to trust and have faith. But this faith has to be translated into actively living lives that give evidence to love and sacrifice. We are to imitate Jesus, who not only spoke but also gave Himself completely as the Lamb who died for our sins. Even as we pray, are we truly ready and able to give up our will and some of our needs so that others can benefit? Is our prayer matched with selflessness? How many people of prayer actively reach out to help those in need? How many who go to Church actually reveal God through words that are uplifting, kind and bring life to others? Do people who pray choose not to hoard items so that others may get? Do we pray and then move from one market to the next, purchasing as much as we can to satisfy the self and family without any conscience for others? Perhaps the disconnect between our prayer and actions is the reason for our current state. Ask the Spirit to guide our prayer and lives. Holy Spirit, today we begin our novena. We ask You to guide our prayer and daily lives. May the choices we make, the lives we live and the words we speak, all become acceptable sacrifices and find favour with You, the Son and the Father. Amen.



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