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Easter Bytes

Fr. Howard Thompson

Jesus declares, “I have conquered the world“ (Jn. 16:33). This truth simultaneously shows us what to avoid and how to approach life as believers. The world rejoices when there is a state of confusion that results in a disconnect with God and disharmony with others. The reality of anger and retaliation; the presence of fake news and false accusations; the pain of experiences that makes one habitually travel negative roads of interpretation of another’s words and actions; the impure state of one’s heart; the imbalance of one’s mind; the slant to being quarrelsome, are some of the ways the world wants us all to live. These battles can seem daunting and often leave us feeling drained. They exist in our lives and in various encounters with others. It can be tempting to move to a monastery on the mountain of Tibet, or to a “galaxy far, far away” (Star Wars). But our strength and hope all come from God. Jesus who conquered the world, is the source of our peace and joy. He knows the battle is not easy, so He gives us the gift of His Spirit to be our companion and guide. Through the power of the Spirit, we can rise above the negativity that is around us. Today, take courage and allow the Spirit to lead us into the victory that is ours. Come Holy Spirit and fill us with the gift of Your peace. May Your presence bring us joy and confidence in knowing that we are already victorious in the daily battles we face. Amen.


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