When we choose to listen to the Lord and walk in His ways, we will be blessed, even when the circumstances are unreal. In the midst of a severe drought, the Lord instructed Elijah not only where to hide, but also supplied food and water for him (1 Kgs. 17:3). God’s fidelity in supplying our needs is personal. He knows the unique strength, temperament and limit of each one of us. He invites us to trust in His power at work in our lives. Therefore, when God satisfies one person and withholds the same from another, it is because He fully knows who can handle a situation and who can’t. However, each of us fits into the overall plan of a loving Father, whose aim is to help us all to grow. When God meets our needs, it is so that we can develop a spirit of gratitude. When He chooses to let us experience scarcity, it is because He gives us grace to endure and overcome. Loving Father, You know what we need even before we ask. We humbly ask that You continue to either supply all our needs, or pour Your grace on us so that we can persevere until You are ready to bless us. Amen.