Some people tell me that I look like my Mom (rest in peace). Others tell me I look more like my Dad. Still there are those who say I look like a combination of both parents. I tend to lean towards this latter evaluation, especially since it makes me feel connected to each of them.
Although the physical attributes are evident, there are two lessons that I have been taught and grown to practice over the passage of time. Mom always said, “Love everyone from the bottom of your heart.” Dad always says, “Cho, forget that”, as he acknowledges hurt and then moves to forgiveness as if the experience did not happen. Those who really know me, know that these virtues are part and parcel of my life. But they took a while to be deeply rooted. It is one thing to be taught, it is another thing to live it. By living these lessons, I reveal that I am their child and also honour their love for me. Jesus tells us to imitate the perfect love of our “Our Father” (Mt. 5:48), and reveal that we are His children. This perfect love is to be showered on friend and foe (Mt. 5:44). It is manifested in an attitude of peace towards everyone, kindness in the face of evil and mercy in the midst of pain. May our lives show the world that we children of our loving Father. Father fill us with Your grace, so that we can solidify the truth that we are Your children, by the passionate light of love, mercy and goodness that we shine on all. Amen.
Fr. Howie