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Daily Byte

Fr. Howard Thompson

If my shirt is in the dark, chances are I may not see the spot that needs to be cleansed. But when I hold my shirt in the light, not only do I see its beautiful colour, but also the spot that needs to be washed. This experience can be adopted into our spiritual lives. If I am living in the darkness of sin, chances are I have become comfortable with the spot of sin, and I fail to see my need for redemption. But when I choose to humble myself and step into the light of God’s holy presence, then the stain of sin is not only identified, but now can be addressed. Jesus uses the analogy of the “splinter in your brother’s eye and the log in your own eye” to highlight the above reality (Mt. 7:1-5). We are a people who are prone to complaining about others and finding fault with them. Even when we see a weak trait or blatant sin in others, it becomes a source of false security, because our judgement is not aimed to help the other to grow, but to put the other down so that we can ‘feel good’ about ourselves. God judges us with His mercy. Are we ready to do the same? Be kind to each other and let love reign. Lord Jesus, You redeem and save us from our sins. Help us to refrain from judging others. May we have the courage to change our sinful ways, and enough love to be sources of real strength and compassion for others. Amen.


Fr. Howie


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