Our spirituality can be affirmed and our faith deepened when we reflect on the goodness of the Lord as we encounter Him in the gospel. Three beautiful truths can be gleaned today: 1. Jesus takes the first step and initiative to come to us. He left heaven to be with us. Jesus “comes down the mountain” (Mt. 8:1) to be in our midst and meets us where we are in life’s journey. He does not allow leprosy nor COVID-19 to keep Him physically distant from us. He looks beyond our fears, pains and sins and actively seeks our company. 2. Jesus will never turn anyone away because of one’s physical or spiritual state. The leper was physically ill and had to shout “unclean” to keep others away. No doubt the reality of isolation and resentment would make him grow bitter, and even curse his situation. But our Lord welcomes any outcast or sinner who freely seeks Him (Mt. 8:2). 3. Jesus will always listen to our cry and respond to our need (Mt. 8:3). The healing that He gives stems from His love and will for our lives. He not only knows what we need before we ask, but also He chooses what is best to grant to us according to His plan for our lives. This healing can be of the body, mind, heart, spirit or a combination of some or all. Today, no matter the state of your physical, psychological, emotional or spiritual lives, seek the Lord. Cry out to Him. Know that He loves you. He will hear and answer your prayer. Lord Jesus, You see me and know me. Thank You for drawing close to me. Hear the cries from my lips and heart, and grant Your healing to me and all the people in my life. Amen.
Fr. Howie