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Daily Byte

Fr. Howard Thompson

Jesus tells us that the “sign of Jonah the prophet” (Mt. 12:39) is given for our benefit. We can ponder three things as it concerns Jonah: 1. God can break through even the most stubborn and unwilling heart. Jonah tried to run away from God’s call, but even the storm and a whale were used by God to steer Jonah into the direction and purpose for which God desired. 2. Jonah and Jesus were removed from the face of the earth for three days and nights. But Jonah’s resurgence and Jesus’s resurrection brought new life to their respective targets. If we die to self, we bring life and true joy to others. 3. The ‘stingiest’ preaching by Jonah resulted in the ‘wealth’ of conversion of Nineveh. Any word, act, sacrifice or ‘seed’ offered to God for the good and salvation of all, will be used and honoured mightily by Him with great reward. Lord Jesus, may the ultimate sign of Your resurrection be the proof we need to live by Your word and Spirit, so that our ongoing conversion will lead us into life eternal. Amen.


Fr. Howie


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