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Daily Byte

Fr. Howard Thompson

What is our reaction when we are informed or reminded about the word of the Lord and the teachings of the Church? Yes, we are weak. Yes, we are uninformed. Yes, we often forget. But when the light is brought to us, do we humble ourselves to learn, or lash out in anger? Like John the Baptist, it is quite common that the message and messenger are persecuted (Mk. 6:17-29). We may sometimes be the object of rage because we choose to share what the Church teaches. But there are times we are the persecutors who reject what we hear. How do we deal with our emotions in these situations? One way is to remind ourselves that God’s word and the teachings of the Church are meant to impart life. Even as we struggle with our brokenness, never forget that it is God’s grace that will eventually lead us home. Teach me dear Lord to listen, so that I may truly learn and understand. Forgive my errors, strengthen me in my weakness, and help me to be Your light for others. Amen.


Fr. Howie


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