How do we deal with pain and disappointment in our lives? Numerous experiences show many people tend to ‘snap’ and respond with angry words or spiteful actions. There are those who go even further by seeking others to form ‘crusades’ against an opponent, or even do things to deliberately disgrace others. These are common responses.
It is in the midst of the aforementioned realities that Joseph stands out like a bright star on a dark night. He who experienced the shock and pain of knowing Mary was pregnant, did not wish to shame her. His purity of heart led to clarity of the Lord’s will (Mt. 1:19-21). Let us always seek the Lord in our pain, and ask for His grace to lead us into life.
Lord Jesus, You became shame on the cross to take away the shame of our sins. May we, like Joseph, seek Your will at all times and allow Your Spirit to guide our actions. Amen.
Fr. Howie