The joy of Christmas is almost here. On December 25, we will once again give a collective greeting of “Merry Christmas” to one and all as we celebrate the birth of our Lord. He who is the beginning and the end, was born in one moment in time.
Although He is uncreated, the gospel traces His genealogy back to Abraham (Mt. 1:1-17), revealing a specific line of ancestors. Today, as we give thanks for the many blessings God pours into our lives, take a little time to give thanks for our own ancestors.
The blood of the Lord washes away our sins. But it is the blood of the ancestors that flows through our veins. As we celebrate the gift of our Lord in our lives, let us also rejoice that our ancestors did not yield to abortion, but chose to allow life for each of us.
Loving Lord, You became one like us so that You can teach, heal and save us. May our lives be a constant celebration of the blessings You impart, as we honour the memory and love that our ancestors revealed from one generation to the next. Amen.
Fr. Howie